Friday, October 26, 2012

Dressing Up and Dressing Down

You might be from Bush Alaska if you've ever worn something casual or dressy casual to school and gotten comments that you're in the wrong place.

You might be from Bush Alaska if you had the thought that you should dress up one day to justify wearing pajamas 3 times within 5 work days.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Microphone weaponry

You might be from the bush if... after you brought your xBox microphone on a trip to Alakanuk you had the thought that it could help you in case you needed to protect yourself from a fox...

Sunday, February 12, 2012


#7 You might be from Bush Alaska if... You've had to sit in some random places to get an internet connection.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Numbers 4-6

#4 You might be from the bush if.... After 2 days of no power at the PO you have to take the sled and you still don't have enough room for all your stuff.
#5 You might be from Bush Alaska if... A slight slip of the tongue turns VHS into VHF.

#6 You might be from Bush Alaska if... it is only 30 degrees but you are walking around in a sweatshirt and jeans complaining that it is soooo warm!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Numbers 1-3

You might be from Bush Alaska if...

#1You hand off a package while walking home from the Post Office not because the package is heavy, but because your hands are getting too cold without gloves on.

#2 You don't realize its Superbowl weekend until Saturday night. And the only reason you know its the superbowl is because your friends in the lower 48 post about it on Facebook.

#3 You are out riding your snowmachine and you have to use your hand to pull you cheek down to seperate your eyelashes and its no big deal.